Commentary: Blair's NHS U-Turn
Commentary: Colonial War in Chechnya
Notes of the Month: Labour and the Livingstone Campaign
Survey: Mumia must live! by the Mumia Must Live! campaign
Survey: From anti-car to anti-capitalism by Mick Duncan
Survey: Can the Northern Ireland executive survive? by Patrick Murphy, 20 January 2000
Survey: Germany's biggest criminals by Matt Heaney
Diary: Diary of a union organiser
The Cover Story: Putin seeks a "strong state" by Stan Crooke
The Cover Story: Which side are you on? by Mark Osborn
The Cover Story: Eye on the left by Dan Katz
How I became a socialist: Religion, music and the dole by Helen Russell
Brazil: How the Workers' Party works by Maria Helena Moreira Alves
Brazil: Left and right in the Workers' Party
New Capitalism: Marketing higher education by Bruce Robinson
Platform: Platform of the "Solidarity" tendency
Feminism: Backlash and girl power by Cath Fletcher
Angela's Ashes: Escape from God's Island by Annie O'Keefe
Trade Unions: The road to renewal by Mark Sandell
Prisons: Jack Straw's castles by Clive Bradley
In Perspective: Communism and Stalinism in Indonesia by Paul Hampton
Republicanism: Republicanism and the Catholic Church by John O'Mahony
Marx: Teach youself Marx's Capital, part three
Forum: There's more to books than titles by Richard Dawkins
Forum: Science and metaphor, the SWP, Stalin & Zionism, letter from Indonesia, Pat Jordan
Forum: The by Richard Barbrook
Forum: Stalinism in theory and history by Pablo Velasco
Reviews: Australian communists, white Jazz musicians, memes, postmodernity and more
After Seattle: USA: the new anti-capitalism by Traven, a union organiser