Commentary: A manifesto for women's liberation by Kate Buckell and Cathy Nugent.
Commentary: Nationalise the railways!
Survey: East Timor - magnificent solidarity! Martin Thomas reports from Australia.
Survey: Blair's 19th century 21st Century Party Report from Labour Party conference.
Survey: Writing off Third World debt by Cath Fletcher.
Survey: Iran: there will be more student protests by Yassmin.
Fifth column: Spies and renegades by Ted Crawford.
Diary of a LP conference delegate: The Blair Stitch-up Project.
The cover story: Women, capitalism and socialism by Janine Booth and Rosie Woods.
The cover story: Women and revolution.
The cover story: Women and socialism.
The cover story: International Women's Day.
The cover story: Sylvia Pankhurst - an organiser for working class women by Jill Mountford.
Stalinist China at 50: Where is neo-Stalinist China going? by Harry Glass.
Stalinist China at 50: The fate of the revolution by Sean Matgamna.
Stalinist China at 50: Where did Chinese Stalinism come from? by Jack Ranger.
Stalinist China at 50: The nature of the Chinese revolution by Leon Trotsky.
Republicanism: What is Irish republicanism? Part two, by John O'Mahony.
The cultural front: Jerry Springer and the end of civilisation by Edward Ellis.
Marx: Teach yourself Marx's Capital, part one.
Forum: Bruno Rizzi, Kosova and Palestine, a letter from Russia.
Reviews: Real men, the new capitalism and Keynesian economics.