The AWL and the Socialist Alliance

Links: AWL home page; Socialist Alliance. Check out the "Independent Socialist Alliance" platform at

Click here to see a list of all recent articles on this site relating to the Socialist Alliance

The Alliance's "new turn" since May 2003

Class politics, not pink-green bloc! (October 2003).

The Yaqoob-Monbiot manifesto (October 2003).

Socialist Alliance to be sunk in pink-green bloc? (October 2003).

Class politics and coalitions: a reply to John Rees of the SWP (August 2003).

The turn to a "new coalition": Socialist Alliance conference 10 May 2003. Report from Solidarity, 15 May 2003; order paper; decisions taken; conference briefing distributed by AWL.

The Socialist Alliance debate on Europe

Neither Euro nor Pound, but Workers' Unity: a contribution to the Socialist Alliance debate. The position outlined here was adopted by the Socialist Alliance in March 2001, but then overturned by a special conference in October 2002, in favour of a policy of campaigning for "no to the euro" in a referendum.

The 2001 General Election campaign and after

From a "front" to a living political force: motivation for proposals to the Socialist Alliance conference, December 2001, by Martin Thomas, Janine Booth and Pete Radcliff.

Left candidates in the General Election, May 2001: A full list of results

The Socialist Alliance and the labour movement

Issues and directions for the London Socialist Alliance: a document for discussion: Alliance for Workers' Liberty, 1 August 2000

Debate between the AWL and the CPGB/ Weekly Worker, May 2001

The Socialist Alliance platform

Socialist Alliance Policy Conference, March 2001 - AWL guide to the amendments and debates, March 2001

The key is workers' representation: a contribution to the policy debate, March 2001

Debate on a new Socialist Alliance paper, 2002

Leaflet to the Socialist Alliance "independents'" conference, 19 January 2002

Letter to the CPGB, 22 February 2002

Reply from Jack Conrad of the CPGB

Stalinism and the return of the repressed: Reply from the AWL to Jack Conrad, 12 March 2002

AWL calls for debate on new paper, Solidarity 16 March 2002