What We Are And What We Must Become
A critique of the politics and perspectives of the Militant Tendency
by Rachel Lever, Phil Semp and Sean Matgamna
First published July 1966
- The Group as we found it (an empirical review)
- Militant's response to the Labour government's attempted anti-union legislation and the 1966 seafarers' strike
- The proletariat, its class party, and the state
- The Leninist theory of the revolutionary party and the Labour Party, and how Militant's approach falls short of Leninism
- Vulgar materialism and platonic perspectives
- A critique of Militant's conception of a "Marxist perspective"
- Forging the weapon
- What Marxists need to do
In addition to the original document, added as appendices:
"No to legislation" from Militant no. 12, December 1965-January 1966
"Fight anti-union legislation" from Militant no. 13, February 1966