Trade Unionists Against War and Terror

Stop the war!

We ask all our trade unionist readers to sign this statement, and send in their details (name/union/branch/post) to us. You could also use it as a petition in your workplace and/or union branch.

Email your support by clicking here

We condemn the September 11 attacks in the USA without reservation. Thousands of working people and others were killed. We stand in solidarity with the working-class people who have borne the brunt of this atrocity and in particular with the workers and trades unionists who have performed dangerous and difficult tasks in rescue and recovery, in the course of which hundreds gave their lives.

We oppose Islamic fundamentalism. Regimes such as those in Afghanistan and Iran have persecuted trade unionists and socialists, and are anti-democratic, anti-woman and anti-semitic. We recognise that most Muslims are not fundamentalists, and that the first victims of fundamentalist repression are ordinary Muslim people. We are alarmed by the rise in prejudice against Muslims, Arabs, immigrants and asylum-seekers - many of whom are fleeing from fundamentalist persecution. We have already seen increased racist attacks in our communities and workplaces and we will take a stand against this.

We also oppose the US government's drive towards a war of 'revenge'. This war will result in the slaughter of many innocent people. It will be accompanied by attacks on civil liberties and the repression of the workers' movement and of socialists. It will galvanise support for fundamentalists and other reactionaries. WE AS A TRADE UNION AND LABOUR MOVEMENT MUST GIVE NO SUPPORT TO THE USA'S WAR DRIVE.

We are not prepared to back a murderous war by a US government which has carried out many atrocities itself. If we do this, we side with our own rulers against working-class people in other countries, and we betray the international solidarity of working people. We do not believe that the USA's motivation in such a war is to defend freedom or democracy - rather, it is to reassert itself as the world's leading power. Our unions must protest strongly against Tony Blair's policy of aligning Britain with the USA's war drive.

We do not accept the suggestion that in the current situation, it is no longer appropriate for trade unions to campaign against privatisation. The Government and the employers have not suspended their attacks on workers, and we will not suspend our fightback against them. We also commit ourselves to fight the job cuts in the air transport industry.

We pledge to ally with other trade unionists to protest against the coming war and to stop British government support for it. We pledge our solidarity to the democratic and working-class resistance across the world against both US military oppression and Islamic fundamentalism.

We restate our determination to work toward remaking the world on the socialist basis of solidarity, democracy and equality, in place of the vicious world system which threw up this horror. Only international working-class solidarity can both stop this war and undercut the fundamentalists.

Initial signatories include:

5/445 TGWU branch - Janine Booth, Political Officer, RMT London Transport Region - Ellen Bryan, RMT Southall & Ealing branch - Glen Burrows, Chair, RMT Bristol Rail branch - Christopher Balchin, United Federation of Teachers, New York City - Tam Carr, RMT health and safety rep, Finsbury Park branch - M Carter, CWU rep - Ben Drake, UNISON shop steward, York City Council - Tim Gospill, Editor, the Journalist, National Union of Journalists - Peter Grant, Chair Manchester Piccadilly ASLEF, LLC Secretary & Health and Safety rep, Arriva Trains Northern - Caroline Henry, steward, Sheffield Unison - Marcus Larsen, NUJ Father of Chapel, Financial News - John Leach, London Transport rep, RMT National Executive Council - Hugh MacGrillen, MSF St. Pancras Branch - Anne McShane, Camden Unison - Jacqui Pointon, Equalities officer, St. Helens and Knowsley Unison health branch - RMT Bakerloo branch - Tony Stapleton CSPA MIISRM, RMT local and corporate safety representative, Regional Council Delegate, Chair East Ham Branch