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Workers' Liberty
is a Marxist group. We are for socialism, created by the collective action of the working class. Capitalism is a bankrupt system, destroying the world, denying the means to earn a living, causing starvation and misery to many. At the same time capital employs the labour of those it can make the greatest profit from, whether they be children, whether they be denied the right to organise by their governments, whatever part of the world they  might live in. But capital in exploiting labour, creates the working class. When working class people learn together that the capitalism is our enemy, and when we act together against the enemy, we can learn our potential to create a better world.

As Marxists we learn from our contributions to working class struggle, by putting forward and discussing our analysis of current politics.

The socialism Workers Liberty advocates has nothing in common with the discredited Stalinist regimes. We welcome their collapse, which clears the way for a rediscovery of democratic revolutionary socialism. We adhere to the principles of Trotsky's struggle against capitalism, Stalinism and reformism, but reject a great deal which seems to us false in the common run of neo-Trotskyism since the 1940s.

Our history and What we stand for
Our constitution

Our email discussion archive.

After Cronulla - solidarity against racism - but not with Islam

Working class and trade unions: Brisbane Workers' Liberty study course, December/January 2005/6

Half a million march against anti-union laws, 15 November 2005

Howard's anti-union laws: make Labor fight!

Immigration, the environment, and fossil fuels: a debate

An interview with Dita Sari

Site last updated 18/12/05

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