Workers' Liberty 25 August 2002

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Draft priority pledge for the NSW election campaign

The following wasproposed for discussion at the NSW SA pre-conference on 3 August, by Workers Liberty (and referred to Socialist Alliance branches).

The Socialist Alliance is standing in the New South Wales elections to give a voice to the solidarity and struggles of people who have to work to earn a living, who have no property and investments to keep them in luxury.

Our platform is based on the demands that workers are fighting for in New South Wales, as well as on the necessary matching demands that the power and privileges of capital must be challenged and their monopoly of wealth and production be ended by a government that is serious about meeting the needs of the majority.

A Labor government acts so much like a Liberal government, because Labor will not challenge the wealthy, because Labor believes that society is best run when the major enterprises and industries are run for a profit by private owners, not for human need by democratically elected and accountable bodies.

Any Socialist Alliance candidates elected to the NSW parliament will be uncompromising and outspoken representatives of people taking up these struggles. We will use our positions to challenge the rotten, corrupt system that is administered against us and for the wealthy by Labor and Liberal alike, and to replace it with public ownership and democratic control by workers and the community.